Sunday, June 26, 2016

Yellow Hills Tower House is Finished

The Yellow Hills Wandering Preserve is adjacent to Judy and Lyle's new round house.
Their deeded site enjoys both ocean and river frontage.

On Petrel Bay, next to the humble but all-year-flowing Wonder River, Judy and Lyle's house-and-inn has been completed. It is situated along the North Bight Path, so it is easily accessed by hikers and wanderers passing through. Judy and Lyle's site is guaranteed by the deed below issued by the Commonwealth (me!).

Building sites on New Island include a plat map, the deed above, and a painting of the owner's dream place. Owners may choose the location of their site using a map of the island.

A map of Section 2: Judy and Lyle picked their site on Plat 11,
which is marked in red on the plat map below. 
They are the first to claim a site on this plat.
Others claims on this plat will be marked Site no.2, Site No. 3, etc.

Anything is possible in one's imagination! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tower house to be built in the Yellow Hills

Client's concept of the house, sketched by the architect.
Stonemasons from Beaulah will camp out on the site and
build this tower in the upcoming weeks. 

Just north of the Yellow Hills Wandering Preserve on the island's northwest coast, Judy and Lyle, from Wisconsin, USA, will build their dream getaway place. They will occupy the top two floors, while the ground floor will be made available as a hostelry for travelers. The North Bight Path, which passes just to the right of the house in the picture above, is a popular trekking route!

Stone masons have been hired and are now collecting sandstone from a nearby hillside for the project. The site adjoins the Wonder River (visible in the foreground, above). This is a short all-year stream fed by generous springs a few miles inland. Water access is important since this site is at the edge of the Sheffield Desert. However, there is enough rain to sustain wild geraniums, poppies and ghost-gum trees in these hills. 

Here is where it is:

New Island is situated in the Indian Ocean west of Australia, but it can be challenging to find the place in reality.
See other posts to learn how to get here.